As you look toward your future - maybe the day when you decide to retire for good - you dream about having enough money to do the things you enjoy.

Unfortunately, many people find that they come up short in regards to their retirement savings. As a result, they aren't in position to live the life they have been dreaming of for so long.

If you are concerned about the future and/or putting off retirement because you don't have a solid strategy in place, it's time for a change. It's time to ditch the idea that saving money in a retirement account is the best way to reach your goals. There are other money saving methods to consider.

This is where the Bank On Yourself method comes into play.

Here's a brief excerpt from the company's website to help you understand the process:

"Bank On Yourself uses a little-known super-charged version of an asset that has increased in value during every single market crash and in every period of economic boom and bust for more than 160 years - dividend-paying whole life insurance."

With the Bank On Yourself book guiding your future, you can use participating, non-direct recognition whole life insurance to your advantage.

By implementing this strategy, you'll find it possible to not only reach all your savings goals, but surpass them many times over. 

So How Does it Work?

The main idea is that you will not need to go to a bank to finance a car, or a house. In the long run you will build your own savings that can be access at any time. It may not seem like it, but all of these expenses eat away at our net-worth.

Here is a cool example of how much buying a car will cost in the long run.

So instead of just wasting all this money in interest that goes to a bank. You can use cash value whole life insurance as your "Bank" and finance everything in your life. 

Pay Yourself Back

The main concept works if you have the discipline to pay-yourself back all the money you took. Just as if you where paying a bank, or a car note. This way when you pay yourself back, all the interest goes back to you and not the banks. This concept has been also introduced in other book like "Infinite Banking".

Also in the book the stress that you should purchase a non-direct recognition whole life. This is more technical than we want to get, but you can read the difference here: Cash Value Non-Direct Recognition vs Direct Recognition.  

Get the Help You Need

If you're interested in the Bank On Yourself method of investing, there's something you need to know: it's not likely that you have the experience or knowledge to implement this on your own.

There are only 200 advisors in the United States and Canada who have passed the training necessary to be a Bank On Yourself Authorized Advisor. Others may talk about using this method, but they don't know the ins and outs of harnessing the full power.

If your policy isn't structured in the appropriate manner, you could miss out on tax advantages. Also you could experience slower growth - these are both things you want to avoid at all costs. 

What's the Problem?

Why isn't everyone taking full advantage of the Bank On Yourself method?

There is one primary answer to this question: it's not nearly as simple as it appears on the surface.

While anyone can use this method to accumulate wealth and better plan for the future, it takes a high level of discipline to implement correctly. And as you probably know, this is not something that most people have in regards to their finances.

Fortunately, even if you have struggled with financial discipline in the past, you can use the Bank On Yourself method to change your future path.

All you need is the right mindset and an experienced advisor. 


The more you read about the Bank On Yourself method the more you'll realize that it gives you all the following:

  • Guarantees
  • Control over your financial future
  • Predictability
  • Tax advantages
  • Peace of mind

This method will never be the right solution for everyone. However, it has definitely helped many people reach their financial goals.

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