Northwestern Mutual 2017 Dividend Announced

Northwestern Mutual has announced it's 2017 dividend, and we will give you the highlights.
  • $5.2 billion in dividends to it's policy holders
  • The dividend rate drops significantly to 5.0%
  • 2016 dividend was of 5.45%, a 45 basis point drop
Northwestern Mutual is the largest mutual company in the U.S., and they are not the first to feel the pressure of a very low interest rate environment. Also, MassMutual announced their 2017 dividend and it was just as bad.

Not Looking Good

Finally, this large 45 basis point drop means that Northwestern may be among the worst dividend paying whole life insurance companies in the market place. Check our our Northwestern Mutual Whole Life Review. However, we need to wait for everyone to announce their dividends, but it is not looking good.